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The Department of Proctology provides service with physicians specializing in the diseases of the large bowel and anal region and state-of-the-art diagnostic and treatment methods. In addition to medical treatment options and conventional operations, laser hemorrhoid / anal fistula treatment, botox application in anal crack and non-surgical treatment options in pilonidal sinus are performed with successful results in suitable patients. Please contact the Department of Proctology to find out which treatment will be beneficial for you.


The last part of the intestine and enlarged veins in the anus form hemorrhoids. Obesity, pregnancy, sitting or standing for a long time, and factors that increase intra-abdominal pressure (constipation, straining, long stay in the toilet, chronic cough) are among the factors that facilitate the formation of hemorrhoids.
The most common complaints are bleeding, inability to clean after the toilet, itching and pain. There are various treatment options depending on the stage of the disease and the complaints it causes.
•    Medical treatment: It involves medications and lifestyle changes to relieve symptoms and prevent disease progression in Early (1 and 2) stage hemorrhoidal disease.
•    Surgical treatment: Complaints that cannot be resolved by medical therapy and advanced (3rd and 4th) stage hemorrhoids may require surgical treatment. During surgical treatment performed at the department, conventional operation methods as well as laser therapy are applied.

Anal Fissure (Crack)

Anal fissure is a crack extending inwardly from the anal opening. The most common complaint is painful defecation and bleeding. The cause of the disease is the spasm of the muscles that control defecation around the anus. Pain caused by the crack causes avoiding defecation and change of intestinal habit. If muscle spasm is not resolved by medical or surgical means, it will gradually become deeper and cause constipation to increase. Depending on the patient's age, defecation habits and structure of the crack, medical therapy, surgery or botox application may be preferred. Botox can be applied to suitable patients in the Proctology Department.

Anal Fistula

It is a disease characterized by chronic inflammatory pathways that occur between the anal skin and the intestine. These pathways, which may cause discharge, pain, and abscess, may be associated with muscles that provide defecation control around the anus. In such a case, complete removal of the fistula may result in reduction/loss of defecation control. Depending on the location of the fistula and its relation to the muscles, a large number of surgical and non-surgical options may be used. In the Department of Proctology, fistula closure can be achieved by LIFT surgery and laser.

Pilonidal Sinus

Pilonidal sinus is a chronic inflammatory disease developing as a result of foreign body reaction caused by subcutaneous progression of hairs that grow in the groove between the cheeks of the buttocks or that are transported from other regions to that region. Pilonidal Sinus, which was thought to be a congenital disease in the past, is known to be an acquired condition today. 
The risk factors defined for pilonidal sinus disease include greater amounts of hair in the body and a high amount of daily hair loss, narrow and deep groove between cheeks of the buttocks, presence of moisture on the skin for a long time, regional trauma due to sitting for a long time and obesity. The disease may remain either as a simple cyst or a few small holes or in the form of abscesses and sinuses with chronic discharge. In untreated cases, inflammation may deepen and form pathways to the hips, waist, anus and bone tissue.
There is no consensus on treatment yet. In some patients, removal of only hair or phenol application may be sufficient, or surgery and flap repair techniques may be necessary in advanced disease. In the Department of Proctology, non-surgical treatment options can also be applied. As the disease progresses, treatment options can become complicated. You can get help from the Department of Proctology for early diagnosis and treatment.