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Cardiac MRI

Cardiac MRI

Cardiac MRI

Since the heart is located in the rib cage and behind bony structures, in addition to being constantly in motion, it is one of the most difficult areas to image. That's why centers with advanced technology and experienced specialists are needed to examine its functions and diseases in detail. Cardiac MRI is an advanced imaging method in which the heart can be examined in detail without the need for interventional procedures.

It can Also be Applied to Children

Since radiation is not used in cardiac MRI, it can be safely used in both children and adults. The drug (contrast agent) to be administered if necessary during the procedure is much safer than tomographic methods. With this examination method, the functions of the heart are calculated in the most accurate way. Heart structures can be examined in any plane without any angle restrictions. Heart pathologies are clearly identified.

When is it Performed?

  • It provides detailed information for identifying damage to the heart muscle in patients with cardiovascular obstruction (Viability assessment). The rate of this damage is very valuable as it will indicate whether the patient will benefit from heart surgery.
  • It makes a great contribution to preoperative planning and risk classification by providing detailed evaluation of heart and large vessels in congenital heart diseases. It also allows the most accurate and reliable data to be obtained during lifelong follow-up after surgery.
  • It is used to determine the degree of the disease in stenosis or heart valve insufficiency cases. The rate of blood leakage from the valves in these diseases can be calculated with great accuracy.
  • It allows revealing the underlying cause of heart arrhythmias.
  • It can be used to differentiate between mass and clot in patients with suspected heart mass, and to detect malignant tumors if there is a mass.
  • It allows the heart muscle to be monitored in detail by evaluating the heart muscle in diseases such as Mediterranean anemia (thalassemia), sarcoidosis, Anderson-Fabry disease and amylodioosis.


In Which Cases it is not Performed?

MRI is not suitable for people who have a pacemaker or non-MRI compliant medical materials (prosthetics, cochlear implants, etc.) in their bodies. Additionally, people with claustrophobie shouldn't undergo without proper medical support.

What Kind of Examination is a Heart MRI?

Vascular access is provided from the arm before starting the examination. After the patient is taken in the MRI device, ECG bands are placed on the chest to monitor heart movements. Since the patient has to hold breath from time to time during the examination, breath holding is practiced and MRI is initiated. If necessary, a drug called contrast agent is administered through the vascular access. The examination takes approximately 30 - 45 minutes.